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access to search in previous invoices from the relevant supplier straight from the new invoice to be distributed

It is useful beacuse it eliminates time used to search, writing the correct name of the supplier. Instead, you fill inn the correct supplier of the invoice, and if you are unsure what account you paid a similar invoice from the last time, you easily access all the eralier invoices from that exact supplier straigt from the newest invoice.

  • Guest
  • Sep 14 2022
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    11 Oct, 2022 10:23am

    Jeg er klar over konteringshistorikken, og den er veldig nyttig. Men en forbedring av den p�� et vis. Vi f��r f.eks. mange ulike fakturaer fra samme avsender, og ikke alle konteres p��/til samme konto, derfor ville det v��rt praktisk med mulighet til �� komme rett inn p�� avsender og se de ulike fakturaene vi har f��tt fra de tidligere. Eller at konteringshistorikken blir mer utfyllende, og viser hva de tidligere fakturaene gjelder.

    Med vennlig hilsen
    H��land og Setskog Sparebank

    Benedikte Heyerdahl Hansen
    Mobil: 974 87 722


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    Fra: Compello AS
    Sendt: tirsdag 11. oktober 2022 12:09
    Til: Benedikte Heyerdahl Hansen (H��land og Setskog Sparebank)
    Emne: G��ril Thue responded to idea CA-I-248 access to search in previous invoices from the relevant supplier straight from the new invoice to be distributed

  • Admin
    Gøril Thue commented
    11 Oct, 2022 10:08am

    Hi ,

    we have an existing functionality called "Coding history" which probably will cover your Idea.

    Compello Support will contact you soon to give you necessary details.


    Gøril Thue

    Product manager Compello PROCESS