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Smart Scan should not overwrite doc.type assigend in Dok.Import

At the moment Smart Scan give everyting that is not a credit note the doc.type "Invoice"; wheich is irritatiing if you have assigned a different doc.type (e.g. Bank) in Doc.Import - Flakk, Bymisjon and others

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    Gøril Thue commented
    January 04, 2024 08:59


    Smart scan will not overwrite doctypes which do not have document group Invoice or Creditnote -


    Gørli Thue

    Service Owner Compello PROCESS

  • Admin
    Gøril Thue commented
    October 24, 2023 09:07


    takk for ditt forslag !

    Vi vil gi en oppdatering så snart en beslutning for dette forslaget er tatt.


    Gøril Thue

    Service owner

    Compello PROCESS