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We value the input from our users highly, and are convinced that together we can create amazing products and services. Therefore we would love to hear your ideas on how to improve our services.

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Create PDF of invoice in the archive search

Vi ønsker muligheten til å lage en PDF av faktura som er hentet frem i arkivsøket i Approve.

We want the opportunity to create a PDF of  Invoice that is retrived in the Archive search in Approve

  • Guest
  • Nov 12 2019
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Gøril Thue commented
    14 Nov, 2019 07:32pm


    denne funksjonaliteten er inkludert fra 14 november .

    Hi ,

    this functionality is included from 14th of November .

    Mvh / Regards

    Gøril Thue

    Product owner Compello Process

  • Admin
    Gøril Thue commented
    12 Nov, 2019 02:20pm

    Hei ,

    dette blir tilgjengelig i løpet av Q4 2019 .

    Hi ,

    this will be included in the application during Q4 2019

    Mvh / Regards

    Gøril Thue

    Product owner Compello Process