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We value the input from our users highly, and are convinced that together we can create amazing products and services. Therefore we would love to hear your ideas on how to improve our services.

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Download file / print

We believe the printer icon is a more explanatory symbol than the "download file" to 
which it has been changed. The comment box must apply to the comment that appears on
the printout. Today comes the comment on the approval invoice.
This is confusing to many users.
  • Guest
  • Oct 25 2019
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Gøril Thue commented
    14 Nov, 2019 07:36pm



    changes mentioned in the previous comment is now available.




    Gøril Thue

    Product owner Compello Process 

  • Admin
    Gøril Thue commented
    30 Oct, 2019 01:55pm


    thank you for your idea .

    We will add print as the part of the mouse over text on the icon to make it more understandable. We will also add a watermark which explains that comment is added to the invoice in the current version of the application.

    These changes is planned to be applied during November.

    With regards

    Gøril Thue

    Product owner Compello Process