We value the input from our users highly, and are convinced that together we can create amazing products and services. Therefore we would love to hear your ideas on how to improve our services.
We have users in many countries around the globe, so please write in English if you are able to do so.
Help shape the future of Compello - share your idea now!
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CA-I-124 See comments in a tooltip via mouseover in the worklist (no click necessary).
I Desktop fremkom teksten i kommentarene når man holdt musepeker over i arbeidslisten. I Process må man åpne kommentarene ved å klikke på dem en etter en for å få frem innholdet. Oppleves tungvint når en er vant til å lese kjapt for å benytte multifunksjon ved f eks arkivering.
Dette er nå tilgjenglig i Compello PROCESS .
Gøril Thue
Product manager Compello PROCESS.